Pain relief in Christchurch

Improving health and wellbeing

Easy to book

It can take just a minute to book an appointment online using the link above or you can ring the friendly reception team on 01425 517 017

Easy to find

All information about clinic locations and parking and how to reach the clinics by public transport will be sent out with the booking conformation email.

Support & aftercare

We very much want to empower you with knowledge and advice to help yourself. In the majority of cases advice sheets and exercises will be sent by email after the appointment.

How we can help you

If the condition you would like help for is not listed above please get in touch

Everyone is an individual with there own set of circumstances.  There are many other instances where we can make a positive impact on general health and wellbeing, whatever your circumstance. If we don't believe we have the correct skill set, we won't hesitate to refer you on to another practitioner who may be able to help you.

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