Nutritional information and resources

How much variety do you get in your diet? Fill in this food check list to find out

Introducing a diverse range of foods into the diet is a key strategy for enhancing gut health. This diversity supports a rich and balanced microbiome, the community of microorganisms residing in the digestive tract. Including a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fermented foods like yogurt or kimchi, and prebiotic-rich foods such as garlic, onions, and bananas promotes a healthy gut microbiome. This diversity helps foster a robust immune system and contributes to overall well-being.

Websites To Help You Succeed

ZOE Study

The Zoe Study is a research initiative focusing on individualised health responses to food. You can sign up to receive personalised insights via at-home tests, tailored food scores, and expert advice in science and nutrition. This data-driven approach aims to guide you in making informed dietary choices based on your unique reactions, fostering better health through personalised nutrition guidance.

The Doctors Kitchen

Dr. Rupy’s website provides a wealth of information and recipes centered on using food to boost and maintain good health. It educates on how food can promote overall well-being, emphasizing the link between food choices and health outcomes. Dr. Rupy offers insightful materials to guide informed dietary decisions. The recipes on the website offer a practical and tasty way to include nutritious ingredients in daily meals, encouraging better health through mindful eating.

Deliciously Ella

Incorporating vegan recipes into your diet helps when embracing a more plant-based diet. Deliciously Ella recipes promote a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, and whole grains.  Experimenting with vegan dishes introduces exciting flavors and ingredients, making mealtime more diverse and enjoyable, whether aiming for a complete shift to veganism or simply seeking to add more plant-based meals to your routine.

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